First, inspiration. It’s what causes us to dream bigger, no? We all have goals and deadlines, but inspiration is something beyond a simple goal or deadline. It’s when your dreams color outside the lines, when you set a goal so far beyond what reasonable that the goal seems impossible. Some people are self-inspired; they spontaneously see what others don’t. Others are inspired by inanimate objects; like I get inspired by music a lot to make music. Most of us, though, are inspired by people, usually those we respect or admire.
I think "inspiration" is what causes to dream big. I can’t communicate in words how much some people have inspired me to live happily, I feel that is the biggest inspiration of my life, somethings changed my perspective on what I can already climb and what I will climb in the near future.
So then what is motivation? Well, I think it’s less about which goal you set, and more about how you actually get there. Who knows exactly how, but I was inspired to learn Chemistry. The inspiration clarified the goal, but it’s motivation that’s helping me get there.
For me, I’ve found that I am more motivated when a goal seems impossible. It’s certainly what’s enabled me to follow a bit of my own path in life because the more I veer off trail, the more motivated I am to forge my own way. I’m pointing this out now because I realize I miss learning chemistry a lot, its the part of my life, a reason why I live. Reason why I’m learning this life where it takes me.Its My Inspiration and Motivation.
“I can’t“‘s I can remember from way back in my childhood is “I can’t learn Chemistry”. I just saw it as impossible; I mean, it was essentially the definition of impossible for me as a kid, but something Happened and it became my life..
. I don’t know why I’ve always felt certain things were impossible even though my parents and (private school) teachers always told me “dream bigger” and “you can do anything you set your mind to”. Growing up, for me, has been a process of relearning what’s possible and what’s not. I know anything’s possible; it’s just been a struggle, sometimes, actually turning possibilities into realities.
The good part of this story, and the reason I’m droning on, is that I discovered years ago that I’m way more motivated to stick to a goal when it’s difficult rather than easy. A part of me don't know what exactly is going to help me to stick to it, but my gut passionately, unconditionally "believes".
I felt like I had a bit of a revelation on the difference between inspiration and motivation, and hopefully my bloviating made some sense.
its little moments that changed my life!