Saturday, October 13, 2012

LIfe is too Little to be Little!

 "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." -Confucius

Our reality is so beautiful and utterly mind blowing in it's complexity that we tend to bury our head in the sand and confine our view  thinking to the mundane drudgery of daily life. With the passing of time we have constructed this human reality of ours, layer upon layer, out of a shitload of different ideologies and technologies.... Consumerism, religions, our own individualistic hopes and dreams about money, power and infatuate love, tv, fast food ... This has become our day to day reality, a reality that blinds us from nature. It's not just the stars that our cities and their lights obscure from our mind's eye. Sometimes I feel as if we are about to lose ourselves in the entertainment jungle that we have created.

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives." -Albert Einstein

I often hear people casually say that they "live" for something - it’s usually something material or pleasurable. I am certain they would reconsider their choice if they thought of it in the negative - so what's worth living for is also worth dieing for.
I have acknowledged that the present world is just living for all the luxuries that please them; we have grown more nefarious and deceptive.People brush aside the real beauty and enjoy all those temporary make ups. 
 I ascertain that what we made have outgrown us and we are just overwhelmed by them that the beauty of the sand, the sun, the sweet aroma of flowers, the happiness in having real fun in sweating, fighting, sharing, loving and living has gone numb. We have become neutral!! 

But some people do live right now who surpass all this and prove  this wrong and I do salute them.  
 "Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite. " -Francis Bacon