Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Time Answers every single Question

“If for a moment, we throw our pile of problems and decide to look at others, we would, perhaps grab our own.”
 A statement which speaks volumes about the truth of life. Life comes with its share of problems and hurdles, which need to be overcome with a smiling face and a never-dying will, rather than a heart full of grievances. It’s not bad to cry your heart out once in a while, but to say why me, every time a problems comes up is not only unfair on our part but also asking for too much care from God. We never had the same question when everything seemed smooth.
Life unfurls at its own pace, and gifts are stored for everyone at appropriate intervals. It is just a matter of time that someone gets his rewards faster than others while some have to wait, with faith in heart.
Some moments are so precious to us that they are to be procured after enduring some pains, some dejection, some sufferings, but the eternal bliss lies in the moment when the happiness is reached even after that. And HE, up there, wants to see that euphoria, that joy for which he has made you wait for long enough.

Carpe Diem!!

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