Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Social Networking

I’ve been thinking about the notion of validation in a social media sense. I think we’ve grown so accustomed to people “liking” and “following” and commenting on what we put out in the great int3rw3bz, that we perceive this behavior to validate our existence in a way. Like, if no one ever followed us or liked our posts or commented on what we have to say, we get upset and think, “Do I even exist [to these people]?” It seems silly. But it’s curious to think about, isn’t it, that without an audience we have no way of knowing, objectively, that we exist?
Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am,” but even that is wholly subjective, internal.
 So all this energy we expend on making friends, building bridges, reaching out to others, to anyone who will listen - is it all just an attempt to prove our existence to ourselves? because it isn’t enough to know subjectively that we occupy matter and are hence important?

Then it makes sense, fame!

Those who seek attention and get it, the famous people, are the ones who exist the most.

In this perspective, we each are really looking for our 15 minutes of fame, 15 minutes during which we are the most existent people in the world…

Is this why we create families? Why we seem hard wired to find real friends with whom we can cherish our existence in this world?

Mutual validations of existing is possible only through people with whom we have a very close relationship preferably the ones around us and not with the ones elsewhere who just know your name and stupid temporary status of your mind...commenting and liking may seem to you that they really have concern for your soul I don't really think they have, the reason is quite logical.....for an average social network user with just one social network will at-least have 300 friends, and if at most 200 are active, who frequently visit the site they would update their status at least once a day, and a person who goes through all these status  definitely  wont be able to keep in their minds the status of everyone except their loved ones!

It all makes sense now…

 What does it mean now, to know ourselves?
We know us only in the context of everyone else.

Just remember "don't make any one feel inferior about you or hurt you without your own consent".......be strong.....
PS: I wrote this as I got inspired after reading  an article which will not be disclosed here, I don't want to any kind of revoking, this is just my perspective in one angle, though I have different views.There are pros and cons for everything.

I'm literally addicted to FB!

Carpe Diem!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Archana, I like your post. You just try wallpost.com one of the famous social networking website developed by an indian, here you can more new features, you never find these features else anywhere.
