I personally believe that imperfections are just as valuable, if not more, as perfections.
my imperfections are something to be proud of… they make me unique and i love that.
When things aren’t perfect.
You either make or you make a change.
If a straight line is so beautiful, then why is it a curvy U on your face make you beautiful?
Think over doesn't the screw's fall all the time in this world.There is beauty in the imperfections, everything perfect is either plastic or camouflage, a make up.
I know people expect a lot from us as though we are perfect,but we ain't,nor we will be, we can just try to be beautifully perfect with all the imperfections.
At the end of the day…it’s the “Imperfections” that stand out and make life more interesting..
Trust me when something/someone seems perfect but turns out it/they really aren’t/isn’t, where something/someone seemingly imperfect is/are perfect.
I really get a lot of energy when I utter "I'm perfectly imperfect."
So things ain't so interesting if flawless!!
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